At any given time a number of differnt payloads are in various stages of preparation for future flights. Listed below are some of the current and past projects that have been worked on by the lab.
Payloads and Projects
Command The primary flight tracking payload, contains a 4N redundant tracking system and redundant flight recording systems. Command has been under continous development for many years and project information can be found at its
GitHub page
FISH The FiSH payload has been developed for simultaneous in-situ studies of vortical, temperature, and acoustic fluctuations in the Stratosphere to millimeter length scale. The investigation of such disturbance length-scales are relevant to hypersonic boundary-layer instabilities.
AIAA SciTech Paper
LIVE Live Internet Video Streaming: A high data rate communications link for sending low latency telemetry and video down from the balloon
GitHub page
Choppy Hotwire cutdown using the bounder system, specifically designed as a balloon release for long duration floats. Can be triggered via timer, pressure, geofence or through CMD manual system.
GASP Beryillium Sampling Payload
SLAPS Solar Launched Automatic Power System: SLAPS is a payload that autonomously deploys solar panels in order to measure the effectiveness of solar energy as an alternative power source for future launches. SLAPS first launched on NS-97, and anyone is welcome to join!
Panoramic A payload carrying a 360 camera for observing surroundings, payload deployments and dual balloon interaction. Sometimes carries weather sensors.
SATRN (Suspended And Triggered Release Node) Release mechanism for drop test payloads and occasionally flight termination