BPP Stem Workshop 2023

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Welcome to the Community STEM Workshop page, run by the University of Maryland, Balloon Payload Program!

If you are here, you are probably a student of the workshop, an interested learner, or a member of our club. This page has all of the resources from our workshop lessons: presentations, documents, codes, files, extra pamphlets, and challenge exercises!

Workshop Lessons

1. Python Programming Introduction

In this workshop, we learned the basics of Python programming, and combined them together to make a "Rock, Paper, Scissors" videogame where you can challenge your computer!
Week 1 Presentation
Week 1 Notes + Extra Problems!
This week's code project: https://replit.com/@JeremyKuznetso1/RockPaperScissors#main.py

2. Turtle Graphics in Python Programming

In this workshop, we learned how to use Python to generate shapes, visuals, and graphics, along with how to handle "for" loops
Week 2 Presentation
Week 2 Notes + Extra Problems and Projects
This week's code project: https://replit.com/@EddieFang/Activity-1-Shapes#main.py

3. 3D Modeling & 3D Printing

In this workshop, we will learn about 3D modeling and 3D design using computer, along with 3D printers, how they work, and more! We will have a live 3D printer demo which you will get to see and interact with!!!

4. Undecided

5. Undecided