WIP Command page
- Expand on Summary
- For each version get an internal, external and external with purse image
- If possible get a single picture with all of them showing relative size (its kinda impressive how much smaller they got)
- For each system indicate:
- What tracking hardware was typically flown
- Approx capabilities, redundancy, etc
- Approx mass
- Limitations/Reasons for replacement
Payload Summary
- What do it do?
- Green-PETG Box
Fits 2x LightAPRS and 1x BITS with space for an additional tracking unit. Larger than the -v5 box and easier to work with due to onboard LVC/regulators for BITS-v4 and the LightAPRS boards.
- Red-PLA Box
Flew with 2x LightAPRS, 1x BITS, and 1x Celltracker-v2. Challenging to work with due to extreme compact size and offboard LVCs.
- EPP Foam Cooler
- Small version of v3
Lack of redundancy contributes to NS-68 loss.
- 3D printed Cube with 2 payload plates with 2x systems per plate. Variety of hardware flown, Typically 2x Habduinos and 1x Celltracker, flew LINK and BITS.
Modern enough should be able to document anything from here and later
- 3D printed triple plate box
Limited info, JPL folks might have insight
Command-v1/Early Tracking
- Before the 3d printed boxes, large DIY foam boxes using RS422/Serial APRS trackers or flying mobile radios
Limited info, but need a picture