
From BPP Wiki
Revision as of 21:25, 1 January 2023 by JmolterWiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== BPP Wiki Help == The goal of the BPP Wiki is to provide an easy way to document flights and projects. These are split into two pages, "Past Launches" and "Payloads + Projects". One of the easiest ways to learn how to contribute is to start new pages by copying and pasting the source from an existing page. This document will try to explain some of the particulars that won't be clear to new MediaWiki users. == Past Launches Help == The main past launches page contains...")
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BPP Wiki Help

The goal of the BPP Wiki is to provide an easy way to document flights and projects. These are split into two pages, "Past Launches" and "Payloads + Projects". One of the easiest ways to learn how to contribute is to start new pages by copying and pasting the source from an existing page. This document will try to explain some of the particulars that won't be clear to new MediaWiki users.

Past Launches Help

The main past launches page contains a sortable list of all launches with a NS-### designation, altitude, payload list, and a comments section. In editing mode, use ctrl+F to find the particular launch you want to edit. For new entries, copy and paste an existing entry at the bottom of the table, and double check before saving that you haven't accidently broken the formatting.

Payloads and Projects Help

A list of payloads and projects. Need an idea for what the actual table should look like.

Payload versions: While payloads may change overtime and receive new versions, its probably for the best to redirect all versions of a given payload to a single page, with separate paragraph sections for each version. A good example of this is Command, where the various Command-v# pages all redirect to "Command". To do this for an example "TestPayload", create a "TestPayload" main page. Then on the "TestPayload-v1" page, enter only the following "#REDIRECT TestPayload". Now clicking on the TestPayload-v1 link will redirect to the original main page.