[MET=1080], Mission Elapsed Time Trigger (1 to 1080 min) [MAP=30], Min Atmospheric Pressure Trigger (8 to 1200 mBar) [RDT=OFF], Rapid Descent Trigger ARM Pressure (8 to 1200 mBar) [GAT=22800], GPS Altitude Trigger (1 to 32500 m) [GEO=1], GPS GeoFence Trigger (1 = Enabled) [GX1=-77.831408], GPS Lon Min (-180 to 180) [GX2=-76.939779], GPS Lon Max [GY1=39.396447], GPS Lat Min (-90 to 90) [GY2=40.067950], GPS Lat Max [HSP=-10], Heater Set Point (-60 to 60 C)