//This is the launch procedure for TurtleNest written by Ji //BNO: located on the GPS logger. //HTU: SCL-21 SDA-20 //BME: SCK-41 SDO-43 SDI-45 CS-47 //GPS: TX-19 RX-18 --- SOFT SERIAL //SD: Shield to Mega wiring. 10-53 11-51 12-50 13-52 1. Connect the Arduino MEGA to a computer. Do not turn on the battery yet. 2. Run TurtleNest.ino and open the Serial monitor. If there is an error: -Make sure that your wires & GPS antenna are properly attached! -Library problem: a. Adafruit_Sensor.h b. Adafruit_BNO055.h c. Adafruit_HTU21DF.h d. Adafruit_GPS.h e. utility/imumaths.h f. SD.h / Wire.h / SPI.h (should be included with Arduino) -Sensor problem: a. Run BME280 b. Run BNO055 c. Run HTU21D -SD card problem: a. Run TN-CardInfo i. If this does not run, make sure the SD card is formatted in FAT32 or FAT16. b. Run TN-ReadWrite -GPS problem: a. Make sure that the red light on the Adafruit shield is not blinking about once per second. If it is, the GPS does not have a lock. Just wait. Else: b. Run TN-Echo (115200 baud) c. Run TN-GPS (9600 baud) 3. If TurtleNest did not encounter an error, make sure that the SD card is working. The serial monitor should NOT print out a statement saying either "SD Card initialization failed!" or "error opening turtle.txt" (usually in the first block of text). 4. Take note of the pressure and temperature on ground (in Celsius) and regularly compare it to the output. 5. Calibrate the BME280. (In line 22 (number in the bottom left of the Arduino ide), there is a line that reads #define SEALEVELPRESSURE_HPA (1013.25). Inside the parentheses, insert the daily sea level pressure in hPa.) 6. Calibrate the BNO055. (Serial monitor should be printing a line like "Sys: 0 G: 0 A:0 M:0". You want the numbers to be three.) -Gyro - Standing still in any position -Mag - Sufficient motion -Accel - place sensor on 6 different orientations as if on a block *****MAKE SURE THAT ONCE THE BNO IS CALIBRATED THAT YOU DO NOT UNPLUG THE SENSOR ELSE YOU MUST CALIBRATE IT.***** 7. Assembling the box! -Make sure that the paperclip replacement on the bottom is intact and present. -Thread the parachute plastic thing (sorry) through the paperclip replacement on the bottom. (It's a VERY tight fit). -If it's too difficult, you can remove the bottom (T-shape) of the bottom paper clip replacement and thread it through without the box. You can attach it to the box once it's at an appropriate length. -Leave the bottom half (looks like a T) of the other parachute replacement on the parachute plastic thing about a quarter of the way down from the top. -Don't assemble the box yet. *Now all that's left is to wait until the launch time gets closer. The MEGA should still be connected to the computer.* Around T-10 (make sure it's actually): 8. Set up the Still Camera. -Do NOT turn the camera on via the power button. (It's okay if you do, just turn it off again.) -Press the button next to the MENU button (playback button - rectangle with colored triangle inside). -Press the MENU button. You should now be in a tab that looks just like the playback button. -Scroll all the way down until you find the "Firm Update..." section. -Select it and then press OK. (The camera should now turn on and extend the lens. You should see a CHDK logo pop up.) -Press the playback button again and wait a few seconds. You should see that the display reads on the bottom. -WAIT. Try not to click too many buttons. -Press the FUNC. SET button. -Click "Load Script from File..." -Make sure that INTERVAL.LUA is selected. -Set the interval to 5 seconds and then press back. -Make sure that the display still reads on the bottom. -Do NOT click the shutter button yet. 9. Final Assembly: -Make sure that both of the switches on the Li-Po protection circuit are on their default off position. -Turn on the circuit independently of the computer by pressing the switch on the side of the box to the on position (|). -Verify that the Li-Po Protection Circuit is functional. (I have a sticky note on this that is more in-depth) -Verify that the BNO055 is still calibrated. -Unplug the MEGA from your computer. (The lights on the shield should still be flashing). -Place the camera by the window and tape the camera in place. -Press the shutter button. Smile! -Watching the GPS cable, slide the middle compartment into the box. (Ensure that the MEGA is flat and level with the box.) -Tape down the Li-Po circuit securely if it isn't already. -Place in the final smaller compartment. -Shut and box and attach the paper clip replacement. -Tape the box. 10. Happy flying!