Flight Analysis Radio 1 902 - 914 MHz to IMU and Xbee data Radio 2 916 - 928 to Pictures Radio 1 ground readings using LCD screen and Sparkfun Open Log - Failed Open Log TX/RX leads broke during chase. Ateempted to make a hotfix en route. Approximately 6 short text files with some sort of data. Other than descriptive header printed during openlong initialization, data is indechipherable junk LCD was unable to properly display strings to Whitebox's formatting so it displayed strings to acknowledge recipt of some packet Through flight ground 902 - 914 radio was unable to connect to its flight counterpart ressulting in no data delivered to ground 916 - 928 ground radio showed lock however picture software was unable to recieve anything. Problem believed to be with flight software/hardware and transmission For next flight - moving to raspberry pi based picture system Rewriting entirety of flight code and ground code for data radios Redoing entirety of ground station hardware and flight hardware. Positive note - flew secret payload of 50th Lauch Patches, distributed the friday after launch.